| Camp Tamok

Snøscooter ettermiddag - Inkl. Transport

Experience the thrill of snowmobiling through the remote Arctic wilderness surrounding Camp Tamok. Join us on a breathtaking journey through snow-covered landscapes, inaccessible by other means.

Depart from the city center of Tromsø by bus and embark on an exciting snowmobiling adventure. After a 90-minute relaxing bus journey, you will enter the remote area Tamokdalen where our wilderness camp is located.

Upon arrival at Camp Tamok, you will be warmly greeted by your guide and outfitted with all the necessary gear and clothing, including thermal suit, boots, gloves and helmet. Our expert guides will provide thorough safety instructions on how to drive a snowmobile, ensuring everyone feels confident and safe before heading out on the tour. 
Follow your tour guide and navigate along snowy trails, passing snow-covered mountains, valleys, frozen rivers, and lakes.
You will share a snowmobile with another person, taking turns as the driver and passenger. Halfway through the tour, we’ll have a short break where you'll swap places, ensuring both of you have the chance to drive the snowmobile.
After the tour, you will return to the camp, where a warm meal awaits in one of our traditional lavvus (indigenous Sámi tent). With food and drinks served, gathered around the open fire, you will get the chance to relax and share stories of your recent adventures!
During peak season, we might split the group to avoid large groups. Half of the group will start with a warm meal in the lavvu before heading out on their snowmobile tour.

With everyone returned to the camp, it's time to board the bus and return to Tromsø, taking with you great memories of an adrenaline-filled day in the Arctic wilderness.

Sted eller møteplass

Viktig informasjon

Møtetid og sted

12:15 at Tromsø Havn Prostneset (inside the main entrance hall), Samuel Arnesens gate 5, Tromsø.


12:30 – 19:30 (7 hours)

Good to know

  • Due to the dramatic topography, a reduced speed is maintained during some parts of the tour.
  • The duration of the snowmobiling activity (the time you will spend on the tracks, driving the snowmobile) can differ day to day, depending on snow and weather conditions.
  • Self liability can be reduced to NOK 1000 by paying waiver supplement NOK 300 per (snowmobile) safari driver.


  • Transfer by bus from and back to Tromsø
  • English speaking guide
  • Thermal suit, boots, mittens, balaclava and helmet
  • Full meal (warm stew) and hot drinks
  • Traffic insurance (maximum personal liability NOK 6000,-)

Klær og utstyr

  • Vi anbefaler å kle deg i varme vinterklær, og i flere lag, slik at du kan tilpasse bekledningen etter været.
  • Skjerf

Mat og drikke

  • Tradisjonell norsk suppe/gryterett (grønnsaker med kjøtt eller fisk).
  • Vi serverer brød, kaffe, te og vann til måltidet


  • Vennligst gi beskjed om matallergier eller spesielle diettbehov ved bestilling, slik at vi kan tilrettelegge for deg.
  • Hvis vi ikke mottar forhåndsvarsel, vil dette medføre en ekstra kostnad på 150 kr.


  • Du må være fylt 18 år og ha gyldig førerkort for å kjøre snøscooter.
  • Minimumsalder er 7 år for å være passasjer på snøscooteren.
  • Hvert barn må være i følge med en voksen.
  • Sjåfører og passasjerer må være 130 cm høye for sikkerhetskrav.
  • Gravide kan ikke delta på denne turen.

Vi har forberedt en video med sikkerhetsinstrukser for vår skutertur. Denne kan du se her:

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